This parenting theme is an important one, and I am choosing to post it as a follow-on to the 3 prior Crestone and Beyond Journal entries which covered some important ideas about how we can help parent ourselves and Earth in the coming years. In the last Journal posting about The Sacred Door Trail, Weston Pew, and the Gen X’ers, I referenced the parenting theme.
Parenting is a vital process which we are all engaged in, whether we have a family and children, or even if we are not family householders. We are always parents of our inner child/adult who lives on inside of our psyche.
Here is a letter I sent to some friends who are parents and parents-to-be.
Dear Parents and Parents-to-Be:
I just want to offer you some considerations that I have learned in my parenting journey.
As far as I can tell, parenting goes on forever, even as Life goes on forever. In this last sentence I mean to expand the concept of parenting into Life After Life, in addition to the karmic Life which we are currently living on the human earth plane.
All of our communications and interactions with our own self, and with others, is really just a type of extension of the essence of parenting.
Sometimes I think about adults I know who have decided to defer the choice to bring forward children, become a parent, and raise children. It is their choice based on their life circumstances and their comfort zone issues.
After having embraced the earlier years of the joys and rigors of parenting, I totally respect the decisions of other adults to not raise children. But I never doubted my own choice and my role. I am wedded to it.
Parenting is one of the more enlightening experiences that one can initiate as a contribution to Life and family, but also as a dharma, a spiritual journey. It is a true Yoga…a yoga off of the mat.
After 30 plus years of parenting, I am still exploring parenting’s vital importance through the lives of my grown children, and just…. being a parent in their lives…. being a friend on that Sacred Trail….and continuing to parent my own inner self and child.
In a true sense, we are always parenting inside of our various relationships because we are always just older children growing up with other children. These other children are also growing up. Inside of our relationships we are parenting our very own selves, and we are also attempting to parent aspects of the other people we are in relationship with.
Parenting is a natural reflexive directive we unconsciously engage in everyday, whether we have our own children or not. At some point some of us become consciously conscious that we are continually offering our life and its expressions through the lens of a parent. We are acting as we were taught by our own parents, and also as we have taught, or parented, ourselves.
You know, we are the parents of our own inner child, and that is like an unknown secret. Everyone has an inner child and an inner adult to parent. In fact we have 4 major stages of this inner child, and 4 more of the adult that we should become familiar with, and parent.
These inner child aspects of our lives are just fractally nested developmental facets of a Jewel. That Jewel is who we are in this karmic journey called “our life.”
Well, I trust that you will find these worded insights of usefulness and service in your journey, you know…from one parent to another.
I hope to stimulate and catalyze independent research and Heart based consciousness in the minds of whoever reads these Journal postings. Education, both secular and religious, has allowed easy answers to people about questions they may not have even been asking.
People may accept answers (dictums) too readily, and these answers may become beliefs which live and pass on from those who do not intently search for answers to deeper questions. This is a result of shallow parenting, and it leads to shallow parenting of self and other.
I often say, once a parent always a parent. Perhaps I should modify this concept to include something like, “once you are born, you are always a child, and, you are a parent.”
Crestone and Beyond
This letter is the nucleus for a Journal entry series about my parenting instincts.
In the past 3 Journal postings I was journaling about how we can all help parent our Earth, and help us make it through what appear to be some difficult challenges upcoming in the very near future. These challenges are also all happening Now. We are now deeply engaged in these ongoing developments.
I believe that the most important Crestone and Beyond Journal writings are the 2 which were recently posted on the Winter Solstice and on Christmas Day. In a brief summary, these 2 entries explain the science and the intention of the Global Coherence Initiative (GCI).
This initiative is based upon the relationship between our Heart’s magnetic field, and the magnetic field of Earth, which are fractally entangled at a holographic and quantum level. This kind of “entanglement” is in the natural order of the Universe, and offers the potential for vast empowering improvements in the situation here on Earth, the planet that I call Earth in these writings. Earth is a living conscious super organism, all of itself, you and me, and everything on and in Her.
A vital study conducted through Yale University in 1988 (explained in prior Journal entries) revealed that the number of people needed to change the consciousness of a population of a group of people by means of prayer/meditation/Heart based coherence, is the square root of 1% of the population in question. The results of this study were so profoundly striking that the study went through 2 years of rigorous independent peer reviewed scrutiny before being published.
The population of Earth is 6.5 to 7 billion people. The square root of 1% of this number of people is some 8100-8300 people.
If this number of us can unite in Heart resonant frequency (0.1 Hertz, or cycles per second), and offer an intention for betterment of our various world problems, then we shall see some mitigation of our strife and struggles. These problems are numerous. Unfortunately, most of us have become desensitized to these problems at a conscious level.
However, in our subconsciousness, we are aware of Earth chaotic distress. This communication and Unity consciousness between our inner subconsciousness and the magnetic field of our Mother planet is a quantum fractal entanglement that no one can legitimately deny no matter what words one may use to describe or refute the phenomenon. We are One with our Mother Earth and with all of each other.
We have an opportunity here to practice parenting, and to learn about parenting, and to uplift the planet.
Moreover, we have an opportunity to step up and become involved at a community and a global level, and lock arms and move forward into an unprecedented non violent advancement and change of the direction of humanity. This is the potential of the Global Coherence Initiative.
The last Journal entry celebrated Weston Pew’s offering, The Sacred Door Trail, in western Montana, a 165 mile trail in pristine nature to assist our spiritual Oneness. This offering is symbolic, practical, and is an example of a vital impetus form one Heart to all Hearts. The SDT is in strong alignment with the GCI.
In the next Crestone and Beyond Journal entry I want to present more ideas on parenting by a consideration of the theories and teachings of Erik Erikson, the well known psychoanalyst of the 1900’s, who offered some excellent perspectives on social evolution. I have found his theories on the stages of the development of the inner child to be most helpful in my work with clients. I shall present some of the essence of Erikson’s teachings in Parenting, Parts II and III.
Signing off from Crestone and Beyond.
Wishing you the Best that Life and Love have to offer