All of Nature is abundant with the Source.
This Journal presents some information and ideas about Nature and our connection to Nature.
The 2 video presentations in this Journal suffice to deliver messages about: 1) how the human race currently interacts with aspects of nature, including our own kind, and, 2) how we might learn from Nature and her manifold and ancient ability as Teacher.
In so much as today is “President’s Day,” I maintain hope that all of the presidents of all of the countries, all of the businesses, all of the corporations, all of the industries, all of the organizations, and all of the institutions which hurt the Earth will consider some creative sustainable solutions to heal our dysfunctional relationship with nature, and ourselves.
Leadership is important. What emanates from the top of an organization does indeed trickle down and then spreads out laterally to many other recipients. We need better leaders who are not corruptible. The current political and leadership positions seem to attract people who are corruptible.
Please consider that we humans are part and parcel of nature. All of the current environmental problems which are being caused by human beings are merely symptoms which are caused by our profound disconnection from Nature.
Video #1 depicts what humans are doing to the natural world, a 3 minute cartoon style documentary which decries our current exploitation of Nature and ourselves. See Video #1 here.
It is businesses run amok who currently harm nature, and businesses are made of us people and we people are the part of nature which is in question. We engender self destructive activities in relationship with our environment. I am not describing a dysfunctional co-dependency with nature here. I am describing an insanity of humans who are destroying their own home.
We are struggling within our individual and collective traumatically memorized constraints; the ones which we have self imposed on our own creative reality. If there is a dysfunctional co-dependency, it is the one we have with our own shadow self. We project and transfer this dysfunction onto nature. Nature then attempts to reflect this problem back to us.
Since we are unwilling to comprehend ourselves realistically in our global mirror of global self, we continue to project the shadow. It is time to break through this cycle of harm and destruction.
Video #2 offers a well developed consideration of how we can learn from nature, and use her aspects of consciousness to improve all aspects of our lives, most notably our relationship to ourselves, and to humane, non destructive, and eco-sustaining business and enterprise.
Video #2 is a 29 minute video “The Evolution of Consciousness” in which the author, Rob Williams, says, “The world is in crisis and transformation. Now, our civilization has the opportunity to evolve its thinking. We are beginning to realize that the old ways of competition and ‘survival of the fittest’ are not sustainable, for individuals, businesses, or the planet. Nature may be our most qualified life coach, with millions of years of experience in creating sustainability. It’s time to look to Her wisdom for some answers. It’s time to do something different! The evolution occurs when we try smarter- not harder!”
The 11 Principles of Nature mentioned in this presentation are:
- collaboration
- adaptation
- diversity
- harmony
- cause and effect
- resiliency
- balance
- interconnectedness
- timing
- effective use of resources
- more is not always better
An intention of the presentation is to forward a new approach, “to introduce the Principles of Nature to the subconscious mind in order to see the world more as Nature sees it, resulting in more harmony and balance in your life.”
There is a growing convergence of neuroscience, behavioral science, cellular biology, and quantum physics into our common human spiritual interrelatedness, a spiritual connection described by physicists as quantum entanglement.
The Heart Toroidal Field
These final comments relate to the primacy of Heart electromagnetics. You may think of our hearts as being intimately interwoven with nature at the quantum level.
As a human civilization, we have have not evolved out of our dualistic relationship with nature. We have become conditioned to regard nature in a highly polarized manner. However, there are many movements of consciousness in elements of our humanity which are evolving into a more non-dual state, and so there is hope that we can save our environment and heal our relationship with it.
All of nature resonates in a toroidal field of energy. You can visit various web pages to see dozens of technical and artistic images of this established and accepted fact. For example, see this page entitled heart toroidal field which shows many images depicting this emerging science.
This global earth planet toroidal emanation is the same energetic field which envelopes a human being and emanates from our hearts. We exist in a holographic and fractal synchrony of heart and nature, or Earth. I believe that we know ourselves as a reflection of nature through our heart field connections to Nature. This re-cognition is then integrated into our brain mind thinking.
A nice and practical summation of this concept is presented for your contemplation and practice in this article by my Boulder friend and mentor, Bob Whitehouse, here, The Heart of Better Breathing. This simple writing offers explanation of universal toroidal field mechanics, and offers for the reader a sort of practical use of this information, as in a meditation of our own heart function and breathing cycle. Bob studied with Arthur Young, the inventor of the helicopter and was the mind who launched our understanding of the toroid.
For a more expanded reading on the subject of all things heart related, here is a book recommendation from one of our great leading integrative thinkers and noted authors, The Heart-Mind Matrix, How the Heart Can Teach the Mind New Ways to Think, by Joseph Chilton Pearce, now age 87.
As student spiritual seeker peers, Joe and I learned about the primacy of the heart as the seat of the mind in the late 1970’s during our time together studying in the Siddha Yoga tradition. Joe had already gained best-seller esteem, and just recognition, with his first 3 books. After his experiences in Siddha Yoga, his next 8 books concentrated on the inner evolutionary experience which is known through meditation and the heart. I think of The Heart-Mind Matrix, published in 2012, as the grand summation of his writings.
Both Bob Whitehouse and Joseph Chilton Pearce are proponents of the Institute of HeartMath technologies. The company has come out with a new affordable application for tablets and iPhones which shows one their heart rate variability and level of Heart resonance coherence. You can see an introductory video on the device here.
One of the spiritual masters of the Siddha lineage, Bhagavan Nityananda said, “The heart is the hub of all sacred places. Go there and roam.”
Nityananda’s words, metaphorically stated, are the core truth of our multidimensional existence. The nature of the heart’s toroidal holographic field entanglement seems to underscore Nityananda’s statement.
Joe Pearce said, “The minute you are opened up to the heart, you are intimately related and a part of and one with everything. We find that immediately the heart integrates the brain structure, so that that which we’re thinking, that which we’re feeling, and that which we’re acting are a single integrated whole.”
The reader may be aware that the Heart is more electrically powerful than the brain by a factor of 100,000, and is up to 5000 times more powerful magnetically. These measurements were made back in the early 1970’s using SQUID magnetometers. SQUID is an acronym for “superconducting quantum interference device.”
Concluding Remarks
I think of Nature as the best teacher and healer. I have sometimes alluded in these Journals to our nature deficit disorder, a term which I believe was first coined by author Richard Louv in his book The Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder. We have forgotten how to live in harmony and balance with that from which we come and with that from which we derive all of our life sustenance. As is stated in the video above, “We have lost a sense of sacredness in all things and in each other.”
We do sense that we come from something grand, something William Wordsworth described as “trailing clouds of glory.”
However, even a casual glance and cursory synopsis of humankind’s current meanderings would leave many of us thinking that we have fallen. At this point in the current trend of things, certainly as I have observed them in my life since WWII, it almost seems that we shall have to experience a further fall before we turn again anew.
The Christian mystic, Julian of Norwich wrote, “First the fall, and then the recovery from the fall, and both are the mercy of God.”
Whether we are aware of it or not in our mundane travels through this material plane, we all deeply desire some cognition and experience with the divine, the eternal, the authentic basis of our Being.
We can know ourselves through the mirror of Nature. Such a look into the mirror of our own Being helps to un-clutter our consciousness. Spiritual cognition is simply re-cognition of our Divinity, and Nature offers us this expanding perspective of Self, and therefore, a re-cognition of Self Love.
Will Rogers once opined and established The First Rule of Holes: “When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.”
We may force ourselves into the experience of a rock bottom catastrophe which will then become the point of reemergence and new growth as better stewards of our planet home.
The content of this Journal has presented concepts which we can embrace now in order to facilitate our recovery from, and our recovery of, our destructive ways. Maybe in the future we will have a civilization which is not controlled by profit driven corporate entities which destroy nature in their rapacious profit taking. Perhaps that should be offered as The Second Rule of Holes.
The Old Testament of the Bible, “Book of Ecclesiastes,” Chapter 3, is well known to most of us as it was popularized in 1965 in a song by the Byrds, celebrating Verses 1-8.
In another few verses, Ecclesiastes, Chapter 3, Verse 11, states that God put Eternity into the Hearts of all people.
Amor omnia vincit.
Signing off from Crestone and Beyond
Here is an end note message about our animal friends….
If you would learn more, ask the cattle,
Seek information from the birds of the air.
The creeping things of earth will give you lessons,
And the fishes of the sea will tell you all.
There is not a single creature that does not know
That everything is of God’s making.
God holds in power the soul of every living thing,
And the breath of every human body.
…from the Book of Job 12:7
“Come forth into the light of things, let nature be your teacher.” ~William Wordsworth
Additional Reading
- The Life of Victor Schauberger…this biographical essay is about a very important thinker and inventor from the 20th century; someone whom I regard as one of the most important people of the last century, and was one of the greatest naturalists to ever live. His observations of nature, and most particularly water, are profound.
- The Secret Intelligence of Water…crystallographer Veda Austin shows us the evidence of the intelligence of water. Keep in mind that we are 70% water. The videos on this website will expand your regard for water’s living nature.
- Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder…a 2008 writing by Richard Louv whose title refers to our need to heal our nature disconnect.
- Eliminating the Human…the seeming inexorable take-over by artificial intelligence. Our apps and devices are “quietly reducing the amount of meaningful interaction we have with each other.” We have traded genuine connection with nature and each other for being plugged in to some electronic device.
- The Great Chain of Being…a writing from Franciscan priest and teacher Richard Rohr about the connection of all things through Divinity and Nature.
- Grounded…a definitive documentary about the importance and benefits of connecting with the electromagnetic field of the earth through the practice of grounding. This documentary was produced in 2013, and is a must see production to help you understand a most important aspect of our relationship with nature.
- There are 4 writings on this website, composed in 2017, which explain how the heart functions outside of its role of pumping blood. These considerations are very important for our growth as conscious beings, and are the most important considerations for living a happy and healthy life that I know of. There are many many people who live happy and healthy lives in our world who would never need to read such writings. They are the living examples of a glowing heart…1) The Pulse of Life, 2) The Spiral of Life, 3) The Prayer of Life, and 4) The Beginning of Life.
- A growing number of Americans are leaving desk jobs to farm…a movement which will save many from coming hardships.
- Far from Home…a beautifully written account of how nature became a teacher for a hiker in Peru who learns to let go of his need for certainty and control and instead he embraces intimacy. This writing is published in the Tricycle publication which is a free daily emailing of Buddhist perspective. I recommend signing up for these teachings and reflections from one of the world’s great wisdom traditions as you continue to navigate modernity.
- The Witness…an impassioned consideration of the current Holocene Extinction ecocide in which we are currently engaged, and the hologram of ourselves as Nature.
- Animal Realm…a beautiful short article which explores one important aspect of our relationship with animals.
- Conserving the Inner Ecology…lessons from the Buddhist nature tradition.
- A Breath of Fresh Air…meditation teacher and nature guide Mark Coleman offers 7 meditations for connecting with nature. “Nature teaches us simplicity and contentment, because in its presence we realize we need very little to be happy.”
- Science: Old and New…a summary of daily meditations for the week of 11-3-19 to 11-8-19 from Franciscan priest Richard Rohr. In this collection, biologist Rupert Sheldrake writes about a spiritual practice of relating to plants and Nature.
- The Healing Power of Nature…neurologist David Perlmutter, MD, explains the new research about the Japanese practice of shinrin-yoku, which is forrest bathing. Being in contact with nature has many great health benefits for our cardiovascular and neurological systems.
- Giving Birth to Ancestors…a Buddhist practitioner writes about the importance of our veneration of ancestors, extending this veneration to all of life which has been on Earth, and presents this practice as a way of helping us to heal our relationship with the Earth. Posted here on 7-2-22.