Our earth home is suffering because we are suffering. Humanity and its individuals will have to change. This will require that each of us move out of our comfort zones to help Earth, and help humanity.
Sweet Dreams
About Crestone, Colorado
JW’s Question on Mark Macy’s Blog
A Crestone End of Life Ceremony
The Return of Crestone and Beyond and the Crimson Tide
The University of Alabama football program won its 13th National Championship under Coach Nick Saban in a season which began back in September, 2009, with a exciting opening game against Virginia Tech. The Crimson Tide has returned to winning championships, and should win many more under Nick Saban. Despite not attending the University of Alabama, […]
Mayan Date of Destiny, Part I
Study Categories of Life After Life, Part III
The past 2 Journal entries have covered various experiences and literary pieces devoted in one way or another to the forever subject of Life after Life. This Journal continues with an exploration of a most unique afterlife study category known as instrumental transcommunication, or, ITC. Before I launch into a description of ITC research I would […]
Study Categories of Life after Life, Part II
Now we begin Part II about Life after Life Study Categories. We left off with a description of the work of Emanuel Swedenborg, Edgar Cayce, the Resurrection of Swami Sri Yukteswar, and some information about NDE and OBE. Let’s move on into more information which is available about the wonders of Life after Life. Channeling […]
Study Categories of Life after Life, Part I
This Journal entry is the first installment of a categorization of different studies about Life after Life from the world experience and literature. I’ll cover this subject review in these next 3 Journal entries. This subject matter has occupied the conscious thinking and creative attempts to explain it across the span of time and space of […]